
Is there a Doctor in the House?

I have been feeling under the weather for the past few days as a result of my semi-annual bout with bronchitis (Although this time it has been nearly a year.) I had the first clue on Sunday with the sore throat, and then on Monday, I was achy and cranky, so I stayed in.

On Tuesday, I got up, and using the power of the internet, I went to my insurance company's website to look for a doctor that was close by me in Brooklyn Heights. After spending an hour calling a dozen or so numbers, I finally got a person that would speak to me about making an appointment, but she asked if she could take my number and call me right back. Didn't happen...

After three hour of waiting, I began the search again, dialed another dozen numbers (I just know I am going to blow my minutes this month on my new plan for my iPhone). The results were as follows: "The doctor isn't taking new patients", "There are no appointments available for two weeks", "Go to the emergency room". I also got transferred countless times, told to dial another number, and was hung up on twice.
Frustrated that I had wasted so much time, it was now after noon, and I felt I was getting nowhere.

Next step... I got dressed, and walked the ten or so blocks (which is where I found the lion on the curb) to a local unnamed hospital to see if I could get in to see a doctor. Not knowing where to go, I found the admissions desk and the nice person (the first nice person of the day) told me to go a block away, and there was a clinic where I could try to get an appointment. When I arrived at the clinic, the waiting room had at least 100 people in the waiting room, including several screaming babies (like fingernails on a chalkboard). I thought to myself, I am not this sick, and walked out.

After leaving, I called my host who lovingly said he would check into his doctors office, and call me in a few minutes. Turns out his doctor is on vacation for two weeks, and the other physicians are not taking new patients. Exasperated at this point, I began to convince myself that I felt better, and that I didn't need to see a doctor after all.

Yesterday, I lounged around and did nothing as I willed myself back to health, and this morning, no improvement. So, the process begins again... I have thus far made only six calls, when I finally got a relatively nice person who informed me of a walk in clinic in Mid-Town. I am headed there within the hour.

It is pretty amazing what one has to go through for eight minutes of face time with a doctor, and a prescription for Ketek.

I will be the first to admit that I have been spoiled by good insurance, and the same doctor for the past seven years. Whenever I needed to see him, it was a quick phone call and a few hours away. I can only hope that I am able to find a regular doctor here, and establish the same relationship as well.

1 comment:

JUSTIN said...

Man, that does not sound like fun at all. Get well soon.